Saturday, February 14, 2004

The Right Page

The latest edition of The Right Page has been posted on the Politics Canada website. Click here to read Of Frozen Rage and Poison Dogs. Here's a quick slice to whet the appetite:

“Anyone who has transgressed in this matter is going to pay the consequences” --Prime Minister Paul Martin.

Sleep will not come easy for Paul Martin over the next few weeks. He is already suffering. He has the look of a French nobleman hearing the dark, greasy swish of the guillotine blade just outside the tiny window of his cell. He’s going to have to do some fast talking to get out of this one. And, if he wants to save his hide, he better come up with phrases a damn sight less measured than “transgressed” and “consequences”. I suggest he start chucking out a couple of “criminal fraud’s” and “jailed for life’s”, because, unlike his predecessor, Martin can’t count on the decency of Canadians to look away and not call attention to the tortured monstrosities he passes off as sentences. We hear everything Martin says as clear as crystal, and we’re going to demand logic, precision and truth from now on. I have a feeling he’s going to regret those words above as surely as he regrets ever crossing the little palsied Napoleon from Shawinigan.

Mean Jean Chretien has just returned from pretending to be a lawyer and playing golf in the Far East. He is preparing a statement on this matter, say his handlers. Another screed of demented lies and gnarled prevarications, no doubt. The same Sgt Schultz tack that Martin defaulted to: Knew nothing; saw nothing. It’ll take a while before we see it, of course, because a team of real lawyers will have to dig through it like fat kids through a box of Timbits. But, when it’s finally released to the public, you can bet your last cup of double-double that Chretien won’t follow Martin’s lead and refuse to implicate his erstwhile friend.

Oh, and by the way, has anyone checked Sheila Copps’ head recently? Someone might want to call St. Joseph’s in Hamilton and have them dispatch the paramedics to see if they can unhook her grin from her ears….